Get Involved
Rhodes Community Garden is always looking to welcome new members. Whether you are a novice or an expert gardener, come along and get involved.
You can contact us through this website or just come along to one of our working bees or monthly meetings to find out more.
All of our garden beds are community beds that we work on together to grow, harvest and share.
Managing the garden is a community responsibility. We meet on the second and the fourth Sunday of the month to work on the Garden.We encourage all members to suggest new crops to be grown, participate in working bees and to contribute to this wonderful cause.
How do I become a member?
Its easy. To become a member simply click on the Membership Form below. Join and discover the delights of planting and harvesting delicious home-grown vegetables all year round.
How much does it cost to join?
Rhodes Community Garden is a not-for-profit organisation. However, to manage the running costs, and maintain adequate insurance cover, we need to charge membership fees.
Individual Membership is just $50 per year. Its less than a $1 a week! Now, that's a DEAL!!!
But its not over yet! If your partner is also joining the garden with you , then it will cost them just additional $25 per year!
And on top of that, Children are welcome free-of-charge along with any one paying parent!